Community Garden
The UASRA Community Garden Program provides residents an opportunity to rent an individual plot of land to grow their own fresh produce or plants.
Garden plots are for use and enjoyment by University Village residents only. Residents shall only be assigned to one garden plot that is within the complex of their residence. University Village--Sepulveda residents will have access to the Sepulveda gardens only. University Village--Sawtelle residents will have access to the Sawtelle gardens only. Keystone-Mentone residents will have access to the Keystone-Mentone gardens only. Rose residents will have access to Rose gardens only. All final decisions are reserved under UASRA.

Request a Garden Plot
To contact the Garden Supervisor, please email uasragardener@gmail.com
please click on the button below to fill out the reservation form to request a garden plot
ID (GID) to know your position on the garden plot wait list
Sign Garden Agreement on Supervisor's Prompt
*Please note, after receiving a garden assignment, residents will be asked to pay a $30 annual, non-refundable fee (via Venmo) and sign a gardeners agreement through Google form.*
"The assignment of new plots to gardeners is temporarily stalled as the board is revising the garden fee, its execution,
and the garden agreement"
*Confirm fee payment after Garden agreement signature on the Garden Supervisor's prompt*
Master Gardeners
UASRA-appointed master gardeners (MG) are gardeners who are volunteering at UASRA gardens. They report garden-maintenance issues and garden violations. MGs are caretaker of their garden communal garden assests/tools etc. MGs can be approached for garden-related issues by gardeners. Every gardener has their MG contact details along with plot assignment info. If you need your current MG contact info. or if interested in acting as future MG, please email uasragardener@gmail.com.
Please refer to your Garden ID to view your position(s) on the waitlist. To know your GID, please contact uasragardener@gmail.com.
Note: Your first and second* garden plot requests are listed below. The second plot request is denoted with an * and is highlighted in green. Due to the high demand of garden plots for each area, the red line is an estimate time frame for the wait list, it is denoted in years. Numbers in parentheses denote how many garden plots are available for the respective area. i.e. Sawtelle 3100 has 14 plots.
Once you have been assigned a garden and removed from the waitlist, you will be asked to pay a garden fee and sign a garden agreement. Access or use of garden areas before plot allotment is prohibited.
Waitlist jump could be offered following cases:
If waitlist family members helped in the UASRA community event significantly and hence the event coordinator recommended the jump based on outstanding support to the UASRA program. Reach the UASRA event coordinator to get into the volunteer list via email to uasraevents@gmail.com.
If helped the master gardener (MG)/garden supervisor with insignificant garden-related tasks. Reach uasragardener@gmail.com to register in the garden volunteer pool.
At the time of need for an MG position, the garden supervisor emails the offer to the waitlist families. If a waitlist family member agrees to accept the MG role for one year, they get a waitlist jump. If the role is not completed for 1 year, the plot will be taken back. Reach the garden supervisor to learn more about the MG role via uasragardener@gmail.com