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Recycling Bottles

Sorting Waste at UAS

UCLA is going Zero Waste in 2020! Here at UAS, we participate in a triple stream waste program.

What does that mean? 
In your homes, set up a recycling bin and a food waste bowl, in addition to your trash can. At most dumpsters, you will see 3 types of bins: tan for landfill, blue for recycling, and green for composting.

Zero Waste: About Us

Basics Know-How

To sort items into the correct bin, here are some basics to know:

Zero Waste: Text

Green Bin – Compost

Keep all food waste in a compost bin or bowl by the kitchen sink, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and more.

Domestic Waste Bin
Recycling Bottles

Blue Bin - Recycling

Collect your recyclables in a bin separate from your trash. Remember to empty and clean out bottles, cans, metal, cartons, cardboard, and more.

Tan Bin – Landfill

Use your trash can for non-recyclables such as coffee cups, wrappers, Styrofoam, diapers, and more.

Landfill Management
Zero Waste: Programs

Special Collection

Set aside these items and remember do NOT throw them into any dumpster

Zero Waste: Text


Battery collection tubes in UAS Laundry Rooms.

Image by Vilmar Simion


Battery collection tubes in UAS Laundry Rooms.

Bulky items

leave by the dumpster – do not block access to bins, do not leave on sidewalks.

Wood Furniture
Zero Waste: Programs

If you have more questions about sorting waste, ask your UASRA Green Coordinator (

Check out our new compost bins!

Zero Waste: Text
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